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Remove ?m=1 from Blogger blogs when using the phone

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For an unknown reason, Google uses an automatic redirection for mobile users to mobile pages, even if your blog has full compliance with the phone.
It is assumed that they are converted to pages ?m=1

You may see it as a normal thing, it is assumed that this process does not affect anything on the work of your blog!
Yes, your point of view, but it really affects a very big way, as the views are counted for several links that are not required to be counted
The archiving of your blog may be affected, and it is more difficult for crawlers than places other than Google, for example, bing or yahoo.

If your visitor spends five minutes on the home page of your blog, why is it counted and dispersed to several branches!

Another benefit of removing ?m=1 from Blogger blogs when using the phone

If visitors to your blog come from anywhere, let's say Facebook, they will be converted by default by Google to pages m=1
Then they are transferred to the home page. Here it is calculated that the visitor actually came from Facebook, but then it will also be calculated converted from ?m=1
So, removing m=1 from Blogger blogs when using the phone has benefits that some may not be aware of, but from now on you will know how effective it is

Problems may also be created with the famous comment service provider, Disqus, which in turn reads the title from which the comment was made, so problems occur here
Which may affect access as desktop users do not have pages ?m=1

Delete and remove ?m=1 from blogger blogs when using the phone

First, go to Blogger Dashboard, then Appearance, and choose Edit HTML from the arrow

Then add this script
<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
var uri = window.location.toString();if (uri.indexOf("?m=1","?m=1") > 0) {var clean_uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("?m=1"));window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, clean_uri);}
Before the </body> tag, save the changes

Now your blog is clean and I removed ?m=1 from Blogger blogs when using the phone

كتابة تعليق

إعلان - بداية المشاركة
إعلان - نهاية المشاركة
إعلان - وسط المشاركة