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Foods that increase fertility and sperm count in men

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It is known that diet has a direct impact on fertility, but it is strange that although there are some recent studies that show the role of food in improving sperm quality, we have always focused on the role of women and neglected the role of men. Now we will talk about increasing food for these sperms. Here are the foods that increase sperm count, quality, and potency in men.
Foods that increase Fertility and sperm count in men

Foods that increase male fertility

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Here is a list of foods that increase sperm count in men:


Folic acid is very important for male health and sperm production Also, spinach and other types of green leafy vegetables are rich sources of this acid.

Low folate in the body gives a greater chance of producing defective and weak sperm that cannot reach and fertilize the egg.</ div>

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is one example of foods that increase the number of Sperm is rich in the amino acid arginine, which is known to increase semen production and sperm count, and is a rich source of antioxidants that can reduce free radicals. Free radicals can affect infection in the body and also cause poor sperm quality.


Tomatoes contain The antioxidant lycopene, which plays a major role in improving sperm quality, improves the vitality and quantity of sperm and avoids its distortion, so tomatoes are considered one of the foods that increase sperm count.

Walnuts (walnuts)

Walnuts are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help increase sperm production in males, and are also rich in arginine, an essential amino acid that can It increases blood flow to the male reproductive organs, thus improving semen production, including:

Red Grapes

Red grapes contain resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that can It maintains the optimum temperature of the male reproductive organs, thus increasing the production, quality and movement of sperm, so it is the most popular food to increase the quantity of a man's sperm.


Banana is a fruit rich in vitamin B6, which can lead to increased sperm production in the testicles. It also contains vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin C, which are essential for the quality and effectiveness of sperm. A rare enzyme called bromelain has been shown to be effective in enhancing male libido and sexual desire.


Pomegranate can improve testosterone levels, thus increasing sperm production and quality. It also contains fiber that increases testosterone levels. erectile dysfunction and sexual desire.


Garlic contains allicin, which is responsible for stimulating the cycle. blood vessels and prevent narrowing of the arteries and blood vessels, thus increasing blood flow to the testicles, thus protecting the sperm from any damage; Garlic also contains selenium, which plays a role in the production of healthy and highly fertile sperm.


Carrots are one of the most important vegetables. They contain carotene, an antioxidant that can keep sperm healthy by reducing free radicals. Antioxidants can also help sperm swim to the egg, thus improving sperm motility.

olive oil

< br />Regular consumption of olive oil can reduce harmful cholesterol levels in the blood, which stimulates the flow of oxygen to the testicles and the formation of healthy sperm.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are another example of a food to increase sperm. Pumpkin seeds contain protective compounds called phytosterols, which help reduce and enlarge the prostate and increase the production of testosterone, which reflects positively. Sperm count.


Eggs are another food that increases sperm count, as they are rich in folic acid and zinc, which can enhance the secretion of testosterone, thus increasing male fertility, and it is one of the nutrients that help produce strong and healthy sperm.

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