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What happens if you give birth to your baby on a plane?

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Although there are no official statistics on the subject, it is known that about 60 babies were born in the sky and have nicknames such as “Born in the Sky” or “Born in the Clouds.” Airplanes are not the birthing room any mother would want, but a woman can to give birth during the flight. This has already happened, and in some cases newborns have received special gifts and benefits.

On the optimistic side, we like to talk about topics we haven't touched on before, searching for answers and uncovering the unknown. This is what we do for sky themes.

Flight crew determines if the situation requires an emergency landing

Although most airlines place flight restrictions on pregnant women (usually, women who are more than 38 weeks pregnant or less than 30 days postpartum are not allowed to travel, but a doctor must approve a travel notice for a pregnant woman), but There are pregnancy and childbirth problems still occurring on board.

Although such situations are rare, if there are women in childbirth there are not many options for flight attendants. First, the hosts had no training in transporting pregnant women. So everyone wants a doctor or a nurse among the passengers.

If there is no medical staff among the passengers, the flight attendant will act as a midwife and give birth to the pregnant woman. This is most likely to happen if an emergency landing cannot be determined and the aircraft continues to reach the destination.

What is the nationality of a child born on a plane?

Although the law is not static and will change according to the airline and the country/region the plane is flying to, the child will almost certainly have the citizenship of his father and mother.

There are two other possibilities for the child, namely the nationality of the country in which the aircraft is registered or the nationality of the country of his birth. For example, if a child is born anywhere in the USA, even in the sky inside an airplane, they will immediately obtain US citizenship. However, if he was born in British airspace, he will not have British citizenship.

Some airlines offer free tickets for children

Some rumors say that children born on board can get free tickets for life. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Only a few children got free tickets, including children born on Indian Airlines planes and children born on EgyptAir planes.

Children born on Polar Airlines, AirAsia and Asia Pacific and one child born on Virgin Atlantic planes can get free tickets under the age of 21. In 2017, a baby boy was born on a Spirit Airlines flight and was given a free ticket and another passenger for his birthday.

In order to commemorate the child, the name of the aircraft can be changed

In 2019, JetBlue landed an extra passenger. The flight attendants and available medical staff helped transport the children during the journey, which stretched thousands of kilometers in the air. After the baby was born, they renamed the plane "Naturally Blue", after the youngest passenger ever.

The child may receive a gift from the airline. In 2018, a girl was born on a Chick-fil-A plane. She was given free food for life, and when she grew up, they secured her a job at the company.

A child's health may be at risk

For many reasons, planes are not the ideal place for babies to be born. The higher we go, the lighter the air, which makes it more difficult for children to breathe. Secondly, there are no modern medical devices on board to assist in the delivery, especially if the mother needs a caesarean delivery. In addition, children may have ear problems due to snoring.

Although few people will have children on board, flight attendants will continue to make sure that mom is as comfortable and safe as possible. The mother may move to a more spacious setting, such as first class or business class.

Where were you born Do you know anyone who was born on a plane? If you got a free ticket for life, where would you go?

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